Painting for a Cause Fundraiser for the Pikes Peak Region TimeBanks at Brush Crazy
Sun, Sep 25
|Colorado Springs
Come have some crazy fun and raise money for a great cause! PikesPeakRegion.TimeBanks.org

Time & Location
Sep 25, 2022, 2:00 PM MDT – Sep 26, 2022, 6:00 PM MDT
Colorado Springs, 4416 Austin Bluffs Pkwy, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, USA
About the event
Join us at Brush Crazy Sunday September 25, 2022 from 2-6pm for the the Pikes Peak Region TimeBanks social and fundraiser! Create art, learn, socialize, and more! Help the PPRTB fund entrepreneur events, scale to having a community center, and support local entertainers.
Hundreds of projects to choose from $15+
Refreshments onsite available for purchase
50% of the proceeds fund local engagement to connect groups & individuals with the mobilized community of givers in our TimeBanks
TimeBanking is a Worldwide movement that started in the 80's by Edgar Cahn. The Pikes Peak Region Chapter was started in November 2021.
The TimeBank has three main goals:
Strengthen the fabric of our community.
Serve people and give them a means to serve.
Establish new relationships and meet real needs of our community members.
We recognize that each person has talents to share, and that the overall community is strengthened when neighbors help one another. For every hour that you help meet the needs of another member, you earn a time credit for the exchange. This time credit can then be redeemed for services from others, and the never-ending cycle of sharing continues.
For more information about timebanking all over the world, visit TimeBanks.org
Some of our favorite videos about timebanking are here:
This 3 minute video is old, and still right on! https://youtu.be/uR8ArHGgA7A
This 12 min TedTalk is very informative and is what Connecting Communities is aiming to duplicate here in Colorado Springs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRHvoYas82g
We offer 4 foundational classes to help you experience Timebanking and then decide if you want to get involved or simply share it with others. Definitely reach out if you have any questions. TimeBanking is only limited by our imagination, you might already be timebanking, now see how to keep track of the give and take, its fun to see the impact!
PikesPeakRegion.TimeBanks@gmail.com PikesPeakRegion.TimeBanks.org 719-310-9211
Our Fiscal Sponsor is The Open Collective. If you can not make this event and want to contribute please visit https://opencollective.com/pikes-peak-region-timebanks